My Blog List

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

''Danger Of A Single Story''

To have a single story means that people think that all people from one place are the same.They think that all Mexicans like tacos.What i have heard about my community is that all the people here are poor.That most of the people here do drugs.I want to show them that its not like this.There are some parts that are but not where i live.A game could show how we aren't like that bye showing the good parts of the community by showing the real thing. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2 Cyberbullying 2011

The main Character is taylor and she gets a latop for her birthday.She gtes on a wesite named clicksters.She gtes osesed with it and people start cyerullying her for something her brother posted.She gets so obsesed with clicksters that she keeps using it even after her mom told her to stop.She tries to kill her self but her friend and mother stop her.She goes to the hospital and gets in a group to help her out with her problem.She stands up for her self and gets back together with her friend knowing she was the one that was cyberbullying her.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1 cyberbullying 2011

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year

What is a cyberbully?
A cyberbully is someone who says bad things about you online or harasses you online.

What are the different types of cyberbullying?
There are different kinds of cyberbullys some are children,teens,adults,or mature adults.They can attack you from a phone or from a computer.

What should you do if your being  Cyberbullied?
You should tell a trusted adult or people ho made the website.Or you can just block them.

What are reasons people cyberbully others?
Cyberbullies bully other people to make themselves feel good about themselves.Or they are doing it for fun
