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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GAME REVIEW YEAH!!!!! Jimmy V.S Splurge

Like my last post I am choosing a social issues game that is called Jimmy V.S Splurge.I think this game is simple and educational.This game teaches you about healthy eating and unhealthy eating.this game is simple, fun, educational, and it makes you hungry.I know it did that to me.OK so the purpose of this game is to save jimmy's friend from the monster that eats to much junk food.First you have to fight your way through cookies ice cream candy and all sorts of unhealthy snacks, but you can fire vegtibles at the unhealthy snacks.It is very fun I think I am going to play this game again and again until I get tired of it (never gonna happen).This game Jimmy V.S Splurge has some good images and a good looking space ship.Again Ithing it's cool.I think its oviouse what you have to do is very very oviose and there is no problem with the instructions.This game for me works well very nice.I think this game can be improved by putting some music and mabey an intro like a little clip.Or a cooler wepon because I dont feel comfturble throwing vegtibles.That all the improvement I want I dont think that's a lot.I want to learn to make a game sort of like this only alot more fun.Maybe I will learn to make a ship like the one in this game.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I played alot of games today.One of does games that I really liked was in the educational section. It was the one about Learn The Bones.It was kind of boring but it taught me alot.I learned the names of alot of bones in the human body from the head to the toes.The purpose of this game is to memorise the name of the bones in the human body .Then they ask you the name of the some bones in the human body.I think it had some good images and it was very educational.I also think I wanna make a game like that but a little funner. This game is pretty easy but you got to put the bones of the human body in their place.Sometimes they ask you a hard question.Like the ____ is connected to the ____.Its pretty hard to remember the name of the name of the bone and put the name in where it goes. I think what you need to do is ovies.But it can get pretty hard times.I think the creator can improve Learn The Bones by putting some music in it, so the player doesn't get bored.Maybe even putting some cool things like a surprise question any time of the game,so that it just hits the player like WOW!!!.That will surprise them and it will be a multiple choice question.I would like to make a game like this.I would just like to put all my ideas in it

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's important to listen to instructions because ,if you don't you won't understand what your suppose to do and get lost.Sometimes you do what your suppose to do but don't understand it and wont learn it.
Rules are put into place because things would be crazy with out rules.You will be doing stuff your not suppose to be doing if it wasn't for rules.Most people don't like rules but with out them who knows how the world would be like.
I think students should behave good in school. its not like their house where they do mainly what they want.I think they should listen to the teacher and write what their suppose to.They should pay attention and do as their told that way there will be no problem.I feel that most of the time I am a collage prep student but sometimes i don't.Like sometimes i get in trouble i feel like I don't belong in this school.I think my grades are poor sometimes but I know I can rise up to a challenge.
