My Blog List

Friday, April 16, 2010

Adding navigation is hard because some of the codes are hard
to write I can copy them but it is hard if Mrs.miller wants us to
write them our selfs. I can copy them and write some of them
so it is kind of hard.I think it is fun when the figueres in flash
or drawings start to move and I can make them do funny stuff.
It is fun in flash and when it is hard and fun at the end it comes
out great.It can be really good in flash it is the best thing in
Globaloria it is an amazing subject for me it is good because
I really like it it can help me make an animated movie.I think
flash can do a lot for me I can make a little animation it is
very very fun in flash.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I Have Learned So Far For FLASH

I am feeling good about flash now that I know about the program. I can make
a button easily now I am good with that and if I forget how to make a button
I got my notes so I will know what to do all the time.I also feel good to know
that I can always look at wiki if I need a code.I don't feel that Flash has become
harder just that I need to focus because there was this day when I was asking
Mrs.miller for a lot of help.I think I Mrs.miller gave me the assignment of putting
all of the teams and my files in order I think I would be able to arrange them in
order but I would need some help because I might not know where every thing
goes.I do think I need to learn more about flash before doing the complete game
on flash because I would just need a review.All I would need is a review and I am
ready to make the game or any other assignment.That is all for this blog.
