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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I Have Learned So Far For FLASH

I am feeling good about flash now that I know about the program. I can make
a button easily now I am good with that and if I forget how to make a button
I got my notes so I will know what to do all the time.I also feel good to know
that I can always look at wiki if I need a code.I don't feel that Flash has become
harder just that I need to focus because there was this day when I was asking
Mrs.miller for a lot of help.I think I Mrs.miller gave me the assignment of putting
all of the teams and my files in order I think I would be able to arrange them in
order but I would need some help because I might not know where every thing
goes.I do think I need to learn more about flash before doing the complete game
on flash because I would just need a review.All I would need is a review and I am
ready to make the game or any other assignment.That is all for this blog.

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