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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alexis P.12 2010

The age of stupid is a movie we watched. It was about global warming and what it did in the future.It has videos about events caused by global warming.It showed Catrina and stuff about shell.Shell had a company in Africa and it was in the ocean or lake.The water was being polluted and it was killing the fishes. It was also giving diseases that came from the water and air. A family had to leave Iraq because of the war for the oil or fossil fuels.I don't remember where they went but they were selling shoes and really at the Americans.he little boy said f he saw an american he would kill him.It also showed an african women selling diesel fuel and it was from the black market.It also showed a guy who went to court to keep the wind farms but he lost. I think there was only like one person who said yes to keeping the wind farms.A lady said that she was happy they were going to take down the wind mills.Then she got asked what she thought about global warming and she said she was trying to help prevent it.

If you want to know more go to

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