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Friday, September 30, 2011

Gamers Solve Scientific Problems

How did gamers use the computer gameFoldit to solve the protein folding mystery? 
They played it and found out about it.
Who can particpate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit?
Everyone can.
What can critical thinking do for science?
It can give them more ideas on what to do
If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would i
t be? 
cancer.I would find the cure for itand become rich.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mini Game

Was it hard to make a mini game?
No i have done this many times already so i already know what to do.It was hard to do it the first time but i did it 2 times already.

What was the best part of this topic?
Finishing the mini game and seeing what i finished and maybe getting ideas for my real game.

The worst part?
when errors kept on coming up and i couldn't figure out what it was.

Friday, September 9, 2011


How old were you on September 11, 2001?
I was 3 years old.

When did you first learn about the attacks and who explained the events to you?
I learned about the attack when i was 5 and my parents told me about the attack.

What kind of impact did these attacks have on your life or your parents lives?

The feeling of seeing people die.

What was the issue with this game?
it didnt give the kids any fun
How do you feel about it?
I feel like if it would have been a different way it would have been better
What is the problem with portraying on such an awful violent event through a video game?
It hurts people
How can you make sure that your web games tell the whole story or teach a lesson in an honorable way?

Don't put dumb stuff in it.
