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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Imagining your game questions

  • WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.)
  • designing this game for children who are getting to the age where they are being pressured into joining gangs. 
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)
  • That he shouldn't be in a gang because it messes up your future.
  • WHERE does your game happen?
  • It happens in the streets.
    • Describe the world you will design for your game.
    • The world is a place where children are being forced into gangs.
    • How will this setting add to the learning experience?
    • It will help the player try to stay away from them.
  • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
    • What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
    • How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
  • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?

1 comment:

  1. Well you should answer the last question but these are some good descriptions.

