My Blog List

Friday, May 25, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012


1. What did you think about the article?
I think this is a good article.
 2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and GLobaloria, a program that you participate in?
It made me feel like people actually care about things around them.This is just a little program but gives kids an advantige that should e recognized.
 3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy?
 My game was not featured in the article.
 4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?
I would like the author to at least say something in the lines of "good job to all the teams that made these games and many more that were not posted."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forks Over Knives

1.I think the documentary will be about the things that have changed the way people eat and their weight. 2.The title indicates that people eat more quicker that eating slowly by cutting food. The germans went to norway and everyone got fatter. Children in Hawaii were chosing fast foods over rice and other foods.

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

1) Oil Spill Rescue,Team M&M, 1-II Valdez 2)Forest Rates, Green Bugs,3-III Arcos 3)A mans Honor,A mans Misory,4lpha d0gs,3-III Arcos

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Game
