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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alexis P.7 2010

Planet Earth The Future

In this film it discussed the future of the species in Earth that might go extinct.Some reasons are because of poaching.I don't know the definition correctly but I think it means to kill and use the things that some animals have to sell and stuff like that.It said what do we care more about humans or wild animals.I would say wild animals they are more important to the world than we are.Polar bears
 are attacking walruses because the ice is melting and other animals are harder to attack.The Amorer leopard is very damaged right now there are only 30 left in the wild.This leapored I would consder rare.The golden frog or toad is already extinct.thats all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alexis P.6 2010

One of my two favorites is the garbage patch.I am interested in it because it is so big .Fishes and other animals are dying because of the garbage patch.The reason this is going on is because we just throw things away in rivers and lakes.Some of that trash flows to the rivers and it goes to the group of garbage in the middle of no where.

The other social issue is the oil spills.This bothers me because it is
polluting the waters where fish and dolphins,sharks,whales that are endangered.Just the whales are endangered I think but yeah all these animals are being damaged their habitat is being polluted.I wonder why we even started using fossil fuels.How hard is it to walk the streets would be like the one in china or Tokyo but we wont be fat and all this stuff.The oil spill would have never happened.

garbage patch
oil spill

Monday, September 27, 2010

Alexis p.5 2010
I like how it all started with this site

I like the news it is giving and what it is helping.It is helping poverty which is going on in haiti
I like the history of the program in this site
because it is about child abuse

I talks about the things kids are doing in the world
this place talks about global warming meaning climate change that we are doing it doesn't ocur naturaly.
This link talks about the garbage patch in the pacific and I really worry about this one because fish think that the plastic is food
The oil spill really makes me think that is some big pollusion.The bird in one of these pictures is cverd in oil and it just makes me sad this is something we need to fix.
this talks about the fossil fuels and how old the fossil fuels are.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alexis P.3 2010

I liked the documentary I feel that I can really really really do something to stop global warming.I think the documentary was very informing and I am going to do my best to change the bad stuff going on in this world.My thoughts on global warming
are very very bad.I hate it.I think it is the worst thing that can happen.I might not play PlayStation and all that but I rather live in a good not so hot environment,then is a place where fresh water is disappearing.I really have alot to say about global warming.
From watching the video and the information in it it makes me feel sad I mean like,we are so behind from other countries that I don't want to live here no more I want to change the world.To prevent ultimate destruction we can simply use less fossil fuels.We can also do even simpler things like turning off and unplugging appliances.

want to learn more go to

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

alexis p l.1 2010

I like this picture because its cool looking the galaxy and the stars are so cool when you look at this picture.I think it is amazing that nasa could get this picture.It shows how fare we can go.
want this picture go to
