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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alexis P.3 2010

I liked the documentary I feel that I can really really really do something to stop global warming.I think the documentary was very informing and I am going to do my best to change the bad stuff going on in this world.My thoughts on global warming
are very very bad.I hate it.I think it is the worst thing that can happen.I might not play PlayStation and all that but I rather live in a good not so hot environment,then is a place where fresh water is disappearing.I really have alot to say about global warming.
From watching the video and the information in it it makes me feel sad I mean like,we are so behind from other countries that I don't want to live here no more I want to change the world.To prevent ultimate destruction we can simply use less fossil fuels.We can also do even simpler things like turning off and unplugging appliances.

want to learn more go to

1 comment:

  1. You can change the world Alexis! By spreading the information and your ideas to stop this problem, we can slowly change the world.

    What was the name of the documentary?

