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Thursday, March 11, 2010

visit from shanon

I think it was amazing that Shanon the person that works in wiki and lives in New York came all the way to the way to Austin Texas.I don't think she taught us much visit.I think she could have taught us some more stuff she could have gone over some stuff or even show us something new.She was still pretty helpful with our team pages.I would really want to know how to add a picture because I forgot but I think it is in wiki tips. I did learn something else I learned to add the SWF file to my wiki.I also learned to put an FLA file in my wiki.I think it was good that I got taught all this I think it will help me work on wiki and flash.I think this could and will help me any time I use flash.I can us it when I want to put a flash file on my wiki projects page I think it can be very useful for any thing that I want to put in flash.I can use it in any picture I want to add to it.

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